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Blog Posts

Planting Day for My Fall/Winter Garden

I forgot how much I enjoy putting in my Fall and Winter Garden. It was such a refreshing Sunday Afternoon, taking all my seedlings and a few seeds and getting them in the ground. I have a great plan this year that I am excited to share. - Read More (00294) >>>

I Am Learning Arduino Once Again

Back in 2017 and 2020 I was playing around with the Arduino to do a few projects for work and at home. I still have the development board with an led sticking in the breadboard, and when I plugged it into the 9V battery, magically it still flashed. I want to figure out how to do all this once again..... - Read More (00292) >>>

God's Providence and This Election - I Love His Perspective

The Vice Presidential Debate was tonight, and I was watching a group of guys talking about the election. Here is the host of the show giving his perspective, which included a snippet about God's Providence, and where we move forward in our duty as a citizen of the United States regardless of what happens. - Read More (00291) >>>

This is Why I Am Concerned About the Stock Market

The primary concern I have for the Stock Market is the current value of the Shiller CAPE Ratio. This is currently around 35, which is double, yes DOUBLE, the historical average of 17. I don't think the fundamentals changed that much. If that is true, then a large correction is on the horizon..... - Read More (00289) >>>

You Can Manage What ChatGPT Remembers About You

Well, you might not want ChatGPT to remember anything about you.... but if you are using the AI regularly, you might want to be aware of the fact that you can - Read More (00288) >>>

My Old Website is Back: Alan's Classroom Which Brings Me Joy

This was my 'original' teaching and learning-repository website, which I abandonded in September 2013, never to return until now. I have such fond memories of putting what I learned on this website. It brings me joy to see it up again. - Read More (00285) >>>

Too Many Files - I Reached My Limit of 1,000,000 Files

There is a soft limit of 1,000,000 files for my Shared Hosting Account. My previous business had a Virtual Private Server, where this wasn't an issue, but I have now exceeded the 1,000,000 files, without any repercusions (YET!). So I am going to have to deal with this now moving forward..... - Read More (00283) >>>

You need a new codec to play this item Playing MOV files

I download my media files from my iPhone, and I tried to play the file which gave me this error: "You need a new codec to play this item". This image requires the 'HEVC Video Extensions' codec pack, available from the Microsoft Store. - Read More (00280) >>>

Yes, I Can Be Bought For a Dollar! Amazon Shopper Panel

I got a notification on my phone that says I can make $1 a month just by letting them look at my ads - no interaction - nothing. What the heck, I pay Apple $3 a month for their cloud services, so why not work the other way? Lets see how it goes..... - Read More (00278) >>>

How to Use a Passkey

I just bought a dishwasher from lowes, and when signing in to pickup my dishwasher in the parking lot of Lowe's the App wanted me to use a passkey. Today signing in at Target, it wants me to use a Passkey. Every app seems to want me to use Passkeys, so what the heck, let's do this..... - Read More (00275) >>>

My First Post - Exciting Stuff!

And the Journey Begins...... I had my first Blog probably about 13 years ago. After my job changed significantly in the Summer of 2021, I have been searching for my next adventure, even if it is in my spare time rather than as a new Entrepreneurial Adventure! I had been toying with several ideas the last 2 years (I can't believe it has been that long) and I came to the conclusion of several things.... - Read More (00001) >>>


10-14-2024 - cory@timberridgemedia.com
( - [Post-00000]

10-14-2024 - cory@aspengrovestudios.com
( - [Post-00000]

10-11-2024 - coryajenkins@gmail.com
( - [Post-00000]

10-7-2024 - hello@wpzone.co
( - [Post-00000]

12-30-2023 - I've been using it with LC Penner to rewrite some descriptions! Very good after fact checking
( - [Post-00159]

12-1-2023 - Apps
( - [Post-00151]

10-06-2023 - Never been! How long do you stay? We may go soon but it looks like quite a drive without a couple days right? -Tom
( - [Post-00076]

9-16-2023 - Great post!!
( - [Post-00051]

9-16-2023 - Thanks Alan!! Your blog is interesting and helpful!!
( - [Post-00000]

9-15-2023 - I am excited that this website is almost finished! I look forward to your comments and suggestions! -Alan
(123.456.78.9) - [Post-00000]

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Please keep things family friendly, since we are a civilized community here at alanharmon.net!


Did You Know?

The World's Deepest Postbox is in Susami Bay in Japan - It's 10 meters underwater.

Shakespeare Invented the Name Jessica - For his play "The Merchant of Venice".

Mosquitoes are Attracted to Blue Twice as Much as Any Other Color - They find blue objects more appealing.

The W Trek in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile, is Named for the Shape of the Route - It's one of the park's most famous treks.


My Name is Alan Harmon. I am a Jesus Follower, Husband, Father, Uncle, Friend, and an Engineer with an MBA.

My interests are in Traveling, Investing, Cooking, Gardening, Technology, Business, Hiking, Smart Homes, Family Games, Automation, Programming, and AI.

Most of the information on this website is centered around those interests. I created this website many years ago primarily to share my recipes and some investing advice, but I began to take it a bit more serious in July of 2023.

I hope you find something Useful here. If you do, you can comment or share this website with others! Enjoy!

Investing iPhone GardeningCooking Programming TechnologyHiking Traveling