Various Thoughts and Useful Information

Tulips 2023


For my 2023 Tulips I planted Red Impression and Pastel Mix Tulips on November 30, 2022. That was the first year I planted Tulips and I was very happy with the results. I will show the whole season on this post.....

Move Over TSwift, Sam Altman is the Real Person of the Year!


I know I have really never listened much to Taylor Swift songs, but I did listen to a documentary article that really helped me understand how impactful she has been to MILLIONS of people. But come on, Sam Altman led the charge that will change the earth forever.....

Lifelong Learning - My Daily Life Tips Is Here... Finally!


I have adopted a posture of Lifelong Learning for my life, and I recommend it to every human being. The pursuit of lifelong learning is so enriching for myself and our world. It also has mental and physical benefits as well. I don't understand the I can't do that mentality that is so pervasive in our culture.

Another Curveball This Year for Christmas


Sometimes things just don't happen as you thought they would. Carol started not feeling well on our visit down in San Diego with my family on Saturday. This continued through Sunday and she woke up Christmas morning and thought she should take a Covid test. That made things interesting.....

Emergency - Honeybaked Ham Ran Out of Champagne Mustard!


What do I do now? I was counting on having the fabulous Honeybaked Ham Champagne Mustard, but they were out..... Now what. I went searching for copy-cat recipes and here is what I found.....

Garage Shelves - It's Time To Get More Organized


We have bought a few more things these last couple of years and the garage is just getting more cluttered. It is finally time to straighten this out, so I am getting some shelves to put everything on.

The Penner Movie Night Selection This Year Is Napoleon


The top choices this year for movie night were between Napolion and Godzilla. Not many people were going for Godzilla, but I actually would have preferred to see the Hunger Games, just because I saw the first 3 and this looked interesting. I actually just went to the pregame party, not the movie since I had to work on Monday.

The San Diego Christmas Menu Is In


Tacos and Tamales - We are having about 20 people over this year and we are going a bit non-traditional, because we love this food.

The 2023 Orange County Christmas Menu Is In


We are going to have about 30 people over on Christmas Day this year.

If You Are Not Using ChatGPT Everyday, Then You Are Falling Behind Your Peers!


I have started to use ChatGPT everyday. I was listening to a podcast recently and someone said they just kept it open. Being the skeptic that I am, I thought that would not be so for me. Two months later, I have been schooled, and now I have it open available to me all the time.....

Chapter 2 in AI - Google Gemini. Welcome to the Game!


OpenAI had a one-year head start in its launch of GPT3.5 over a year ago, but Google has entered the game with Google Gemini from their DeepMind Division of Google. Things are going to get more interesting.......

I Recommend This Podcast About Renting versus Buying a House or Condo


Real estate prices are really high right now and as millenials try to decide if they should buy a home rather than renting, they are headed into territory that they aren't very familiar with. Here is a podcast that explores some of the issues involved with making this decision.


My Name is Alan Harmon. I am a Jesus Follower, Husband, Father, Uncle, Friend, and an Engineer with an MBA.

My interests are in Traveling, Investing, Cooking, Gardening, Technology, Business, Hiking, Smart Homes, Family Games, Automation, and Programming.

Most of the information on this website is centered around those interests. I created this website many years ago primarily to share my recipes and some investing advice, but I began to take it a bit more serious in July of 2023.

I hope you find something Useful here. If you do, you can comment below and share this website with others! Enjoy!

Investing iPhone GardeningCooking Programming TechnologyHiking Traveling