Various Thoughts and Useful Information

Planting Day Spring/Summer 2024


I typically plant my 32 bell pepper plants and tomatoes on April 1st, but I am busy next weekend with Easter and it will be raining, so I will be planting them a week early this year.

Week 12 Weather in Southern California


The storm predicted to come in this next weekend has increased in intensity with over one and a half inches projected at this point. This should take us over the top for our much needed Sierra Nevads Snow Pack, so we should be clear of any drought conditions for this next year.

One Of My Biggest Flaws - The Dunning-Kruger Effect


Finally a chart that puts me in my place. I love to learn. I hope to learn something new every day for the rest of my life. The problem I have, is that once I know a little about a subject, I tend to think I am an Expert. What I didn't realize, is that I am actually on the "Peak of Mount Stupid"....

Wikimedia Commons Has 104,254,306 Freely Usable Media Files - Wow!


Ever since I started this Blog on July 17, 2023, I have been in a continual search for Images to show related to my topics. I was reading a book that listed this as a source and I am blown away..... There is SO MUCH FREE MEDIA AVAILABLE. I still have my jaw dropped...

My Book Notes for The Obesity Code by Jason Fung


This is one of the most influential books that I have ever read. I first bought it on October 3, 2020, but I didn't take it to heart until March 2023, when I re-read it and along with some other things, my life was completely transformed. Here are my book notes.....

My 40-Hour Fast Experience


I am taking my battle against Insulin Resistance seriously. To do this, I have embraced 'fasting-for-health' and I am feeling great. A few weeks ago I was fasting, and my 30 hour fast turned into a 40 hour fast because I was feeling so good at 30 hours. Here is how it went.....

Focus on Health - Insulin Resistance


I have studied more about this topic in the last year than any other topic. Understanding this thing called "INSULIN RESISTANCE" is so important for humanity, yet many of us really understand what it really is. Here is my attempt to shed light on this.....

My Signature Planter


I loved how my Signature Planter looked last year. I planted pansies from seeds, added in a couple California poppies, and add a few months time and..... It was amazing! I loved it so much that I am going to try to recreate it this year......

Week 10 Weather in Southern California


A gentle Spring has arrived with mild daily highs ranging from 66 to 79 degrees, and lows staying above 50 degrees. No more rain is in sight, and we will cycle through mostly partly cloudy skies. Not time to start laying out by the pool, but the heater and air conditioners will probably stay off.....

Rainy Season 2023-2024 In Review


What a Wild Rainy Season we had this year in Southern California! 10 inches in a day in some places???!!! Crazy stuff. Our first rain happened on November 15, 2023, and the last rain (not yet final) is probably March 7, 2024. Here is a list of our storms from this season.....

I Want to have My Own Food Nutrition Database Thanks to FoodData Central


Part of Losing Weight to achieve My Personal Health Goals, I went to several resources on the internet. I had used MyFitnessPal in the past, but I didn't really like their interface, so of course I went looking. What I found was FoodData Central.....

It Looks Like Spring is Here!


The 10-day forecast doesn't show any more precipitation, with the Highs looking to get above 80, and the Lows rising back above 50. It will be t-shirt weather once again, and only light jackets for walks. Maybe the ground will finally dry out from all our rains.....

My Current Food Plan


This has been soaking in for about a year now, with lots of twists and turns and trying new things. I have read several books, and I want to read several more. Over the last two weeks I even started to go through medical papers. Talk about boring.....


My Name is Alan Harmon. I am a Jesus Follower, Husband, Father, Uncle, Friend, and an Engineer with an MBA.

My interests are in Traveling, Investing, Cooking, Gardening, Technology, Business, Hiking, Smart Homes, Family Games, Automation, and Programming.

Most of the information on this website is centered around those interests. I created this website many years ago primarily to share my recipes and some investing advice, but I began to take it a bit more serious in July of 2023.

I hope you find something Useful here. If you do, you can comment below and share this website with others! Enjoy!

Investing iPhone GardeningCooking Programming TechnologyHiking Traveling