Various Thoughts and Useful Information

My Broker Said His Doctor Keeps Telling Him He Should Lose Weight


There have been some business changes at my work, so I needed to talk to our insurance broker, who I haven't talked to in a few years. I know he had previously had a heart attack, so I wasn't even sure what his role was at his company anymore. Here is how our conversation went.....

Week 5 Weather in Southern California


Over 5 inches is predicted for the next 10 days. Wow! I haven't seen a forecast with that much rain in quite some time. Even if we get a fraction of that rain, it is still quite a bit. Three out of the four storms this year were predicted correctly, so we will probably be looking at lots of rain.

My Journey to a High Fiber Ketogenic Food Plan


I should eat a lot of fiber each day to help my Diverticulosis condition, and I want to lose weight, reset my Insulin Resistance, and get my blood pressure lower. Hopefully my cholesterol levels will go along for the ride. Here is my current learning process, and hopefully this will turn into a revised food plan for my life.....

Results of My 45 Hour Fast


I woke up this morning and decide to take some tests. Peter Attia, author of Outlive believes in testing, testing, testing. I think he is right. When we do things in our life we should verify them right? Here are my results.....

Today Is The First Day of the Rest of My Life!


Of course it is! We only live forward, so today is the first day that will determine your future. For me, today is the first day I am going to work on my Fitness. This last year I focused on Nutrition. Now it is time to close the really big gap of Fitness, which I really do not like doing, and have not made this a priority for most of my life.

I Just Read Another Book That Will Change My Life - Outlive!


It has happened again. I am sorry I read this book because it is going to cost me a lot of time, a lot of pain, a lot of money..... but will probably change my life as much as anything I have read or listened to this last year.....

Worldmark Inventory Specials (WorldMark by Wyndham Timeshare)


We bought our Worldmark 20,000 credit Timeshare from eBay last year, so we have been learning about how things work ever since. Some friends of ours wanted to travel to Big Bear, and they had trouble getting it through Wyndham, so we looked for them through our Worldmark account. Here is what we found.....

January 2024 Solvang Trip


We knew the weather was going to be a bit on the colder side of things, but there were no predictions of any rain, so that was good. We had a great time exploring Solvang as this is a great city to enjoy some good wine, beer, and food. That gives you a hint of where I am at these days.

Start Your Seeds for Your Spring and Summer Garden!


It is that time of the year again. Get your seeds started so that come March you will have some seedlings to plant to start your Spring and Summer Garden. It is so cold right now, it is hard to think about my summer garden - but now is the time to get things going....

Google Has a New Competitor. Meet Perplexity


Few companies last forever. Fewer companies are dominant forever. Google has had a dominant position in the market for decades now, but I learned about a new possible competitor with significant implications. Meet Perplexity.....

My AI To-Do List for 2024


In November 2023 I started using Artificial Intelligence for website development. I use this to help me become a better writer, and also to create content. In my opinion, both are an important developments in my growth and ability to do what I do. Here are some things I want to play with AI in 2024......

Why Did It Take Me So Long To Discover Unsplash


July 18, 2023 began my journey back to being a content developer. After taking about a decade off of making websites, I started up again. One of the difficulties I used to have was finding images that were legal to use. Well.... I found and I am so happy I did. This free stock photo site is truly amazing.....

Do You Do Things Because of What People Think?


I talked to a friend of mine yesterday who was going to see a dying aunt. We had recently been under a similar circumstance, so I asked them why they were visiting their 'mostly unresponsive' aunt, and their answer took me back a little bit - they said, "I didn't want my cousins to think I didn't care about their mother." That wasn't what I expected.....

Christmas Is Over This Year - A Sad Day Putting Away All Our Stuff


As I am putting away all our Christmas Stuff, I have been reflecting on the last two weeks, the last year, and this new year to come. This last year, 2023 was a good year, and I expect 2024 to have some life changes as well - mostly good, but changes nonetheless.....

123Farm Christmas Nights - Last Chance!


If you live in Southern California and haven't gotten your fill of Christmas Lights, you have one last chance. The Festival of Lights at 123farm is coming to an end this weekend on January 7, 2024. I have never been to this, so tonight I am going to see what it is all about.....

The Stock Market Is Still Very Uncertain


The Stock Market Indexes were up significantly last year with the S&P 500 finishing up over 23%. The recession never came to fruition, and now people are talking about a soft landing and lower interest rates. Well.... we will have to see what happens as everyone seemed to be off in their predictions.....

Reflection, Assessment and Looking Forward


A New Year is a Perfect time for Reflection, Assessment, and Looking Forward. What did we learn from 2023? What were some joys, and some dissapointments? Where do we see ourself going this year? Where do we want to go this year? Good questions, right?.....


My Name is Alan Harmon. I am a Jesus Follower, Husband, Father, Uncle, Friend, and an Engineer with an MBA.

My interests are in Traveling, Investing, Cooking, Gardening, Technology, Business, Hiking, Smart Homes, Family Games, Automation, and Programming.

Most of the information on this website is centered around those interests. I created this website many years ago primarily to share my recipes and some investing advice, but I began to take it a bit more serious in July of 2023.

I hope you find something Useful here. If you do, you can comment below and share this website with others! Enjoy!

Investing iPhone GardeningCooking Programming TechnologyHiking Traveling